I have been helping patients obtain their medical cannabis cards since the program’s inception, witnessing the many ups and downs the Missouri Cannabis program has had. We all knew adult-use legislation would significantly affect Missouri’s Medical Cannabis program. Let’s take a few minutes and examine the numbers and discuss how much this program has evolved.

At its peak in March of 2022, the Missouri Department of Cannabis Regulation processed 20,493 Patient Applications in a single month. Compare that to January of 2025 when they processed a total of 876 applications. That represents a staggering 95% drop! While Missouri still has 120,510 active medical cannabis patients, you do wonder if the drastic industry wide decline is a major reason a couple of cannabis clinics have closed. If you need a card we can help at https://cannaanswers.com/missouri-medical-cannabis-cards/!
Patient cultivator application’s peaked at 1,786 applications in March of 2021, falling to 53 applications in January of 2025 – a 97% decrease! There are currently 18,657 active patient cultivators in Missouri meaning approximately 15.5% of patients choose to cultivate in Missouri. This number is honestly much lower than I would have thought it would be given all the talented cultivators we have in Missouri!
Caregiver applications peaked at 396 in July of 2021 falling to 66 in January 2025- 83% decrease. Only 2,310 active caregivers remain in Missouri! Personally, I thank each and every one of you for the difference you make in your patient’s lives. You are truly saving lives! If you are one of the lucky people to have found a caregiver, I encourage you to take the time to thank them for all they do for you! If you are interested in becoming a caregiver, I can provide information and application assistance.
Consumer Cultivation, for those without a medical card who cultivate has 2,290 active consumer cultivators. Its peak was 495 in February 2023, dropping to 72 in January 2025 – a 78% decrease. While it allows home cultivation, it has limitations: a 3 oz purchase and possession limit, higher costs (annual vs. triennial cards), and a maximum of two cultivators per address, regardless of the number of residents. I’m happy to discuss the differences in detail.
We have 21,048 active agents in Missouri. In January of 2023 there were1176 applications dropping to 667 in January of 2025 – a 96% decrease. I think we will see a slight bump as Micro-License businesses eventually receive approval to operate and we have new jobs to be filled. As of now only 2 Micro License wholesalers have approval to operate and zero micro license dispensaries have received approval to operate!
Finally, the number of new physicians joining the program has dwindled. There are only 638 active Physician’s and Nurse Practitioners in Missouri Medical Cannabis program. Its peak was December 2022 when 35 applications were received but in January that number dropped to only 2 which is a decrease of 94%. However, data only starts for this category in December of 2022.

The decline is not surprising. Adult-use legalization was always going to impact the program. While Patients are happy, they only must renew their cards every 3 years….it means a 33% drop in clinic business. Many clinics have closed, and others are struggling. We’ll see if they survive until renewals pick up again in the fall.
For more information on Missouri medical cannabis cards, cultivation, caregiver assistance, consumer cultivation, and microbusiness licensing, visit https://cannaanswers.com/. Contact me at [email protected] with any questions – we have your Canna Answers!
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