Probation and Parole

Probation and Parole is still telling patients they cannot use cannabis while on Probation or Parole. On most terms of release you have to obey ALL laws including federal law. May want to consider filing a request for modification of supervision of Probation and Parole with the Court to be allowed to use. Remember for this language to apply you MUST be a legal patient with a valid medical marijuana card and NOT a consumer. We HIGHLY recommend speaking to your attorney regarding you specific set of circumstances before using and cannabis product.

Relevant Language from the Missouri Constitution

Registered qualifying patients on bond for pre-trial release. on probation, or other form of supervised release shall not be prohibited from legally using a lawful marijuana product as a term or condition of release. probation, or parole. An alternative sentencing drug court program may not prohibit individuals under its jurisdiction from using a lawful marijuana product as long as the individual is a registered qualifying patient. 

In the process of requesting a search or arrest warrant relating to the production, possession. transportation or storage of marijuana. a state or local law enforcement official shall verify with the department whether the targeted person is a qualifying patient or primary caregiver holding an identification card allowing for cultivation of marijuana plants under subdivision (12) of subsection 3 of this section. and shall inform the issuing authority accordingly when making the warrant request. Evidence of marijuana alone. without specific evidence indicating that the marijuana is outside of what is lawful for medical or adult use, cannot be the basis for a search of a patient or non-patient. including their home, vehicle or other property. Lawful marijuana related activities cannot be the basis for a violation of parole. probation. or any type of supervised release. State and local law enforcement shall only have access to such department information as is necessary to confirm whether the targeted person holds a registration card. 

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